Who Do You Feed The Most

By Cynthia Armstrong

Today, I want to talk about who I feed the most. Hi, I'm Cynthia Armstrong. I am a mother and a teacher that's worked in the general and special education systems, and I spent five years homeschooling my children. The things that I teach are things that I have learned and discovered as I've looked for things to help myself, my children, my students, and their families.

This week I was reading in Joshua in the Old Testament. Joshua said, “Choose ye this day whom ye will serve.” That really made me think about who it is that I serve. We have both that carnal and that spiritual, that mortal and that immortal in us. There was a book that was put out, I can't remember by who, but it was somebody who was in the military, and he talks about which dog you feed the most, your fear dog or your courage dog.

You can put this in multiple different terms, but it boils down to who I am choosing to feed, that higher self or that more primal, mortal self. When we are feeding, or doing more for, our higher self, then that creates that energy that spreads throughout. As we look at where we are putting our energy, we can decide where we put that when we consciously make that choice. Because if we're not consciously making that choice, then subconsciously it's going to choose for us. We get a lot of programs that come from outside of us that really aren't ours, but that we will sometimes feed.
One way we do that is by the shows we choose to watch. When I was really struggling with my husband, I had feelings that weren't great towards him, and I was blaming him for those. But at the same time, I was watching shows where the man would come in and be the hero or would do anything to get to the girl. While watching these shows, I’d think, “Why can't my husband be that way? My husband would never do something like that.” I was using these movies that said if a man loves you, then this is what he would do. Now, if I was consciously thinking about it, then I could look at it. Once I became conscious, I could see what I was doing. But when I was working out of my subconscious, then this was programing me to not like my husband even more or to find faults where there's not faults.

We could use these TV shows, or movies, or commercials. Commercials do the same thing. There's one playing for a fast-food restaurant that says, if you go on this journey together as a family, then you've just gone on a long trip. But if you stop by this fast-food place, then it's a great experience for your family because now you've stopped by this fast-food restaurant chain. These advertisers and these shows, they know what they're doing. They try to tell us that we can't really be happy unless… Since we don't consciously choose, these things can subconsciously program us to this unhappiness.

I was talking with a friend, and they were saying how in third world countries people can be in poverty and have very little, and yet they can still be extremely happy and positive people. Here in America, we have so much that even the poorest among us can usually get the basics that they need with all that's out there. But we tend to be very unhappy people. I said to my friend that I think perhaps the third world countries feel happier because they're not being programmed to be unhappy like we are here in America. They don't have all the commercials and all the different businesses and all the different things telling them how unhappy they need to be, because they don't have this yet.

When we look and choose who we want to serve, or who we want to feed, or which part of us do we want to feed: that mortal or that immortal, that temporary or that eternal, then we can step back and look at where are we taking our information in? What are we choosing to do with that information? Whether we just let it play on its own or step up and purposefully take in the things that benefit us or not.

I know, I'm talking about us a lot, but we are the parents. If we don't have what we want for our children in our own lives, it’s less likely to happen. Yes, they can go find it on their own. They go through their own experience just as we are going through our own experience. We go through our experiences side by side, but with those mirror neurons, and with how we learn, we really do help each other. When we have it in our lives, then we can show our children what that looks like in their lives.











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