Solve Problems By Having A System Of Communication

By Cynthia Armstrong

When it comes to solving problems with another person, it is never the problem. That's the real issue, the real issue is having a system in place where you can communicate with your own programs and your own fears out of the way.

Hi, I'm Cynthia Armstrong. I'm a general and special education teacher. I homeschool my own children for five years and I talk about those things that I've studied, researched and have benefited me and those that I live and work with that I hope will really benefit you.

Today, I wanna talk about when we have a problem that we need to resolve with another person that could be our children, that could be our spouse and it can go either way because here's the thing, if we are struggling in resolving issues with our spouse or significant other, then what happens when we bring something to our children to do that may be around that issue, whether it's vaccinations, how to discipline, or religion, no matter what it is. When we go to our children, we haven't thoroughly communicated and resolved the issue with our significant other than our children.
Feel that authenticity even if we think we've put a mask on it, even if we think that it's mostly resolved, do it this way because it's so important. Your children pick up on that and they will move forward in their life with that program. It's so important that we put a system in place where it's safe to talk about issues that people feel very strongly about. This is the tricky part because our emotions are so strong about a topic or an issue that it can be hard for us to put this system in place unless we're aware of what's going on in our brains. Unless we can come at this ability to communicate with someone, that system to communicate with someone that we both understand and agree to, so that we can safely talk about these issues and find a resolution.

It is so important that we take our own biases out of the equation that it doesn't change how we feel about a person. We can still talk about this issue, and our emotions towards that person stays the same. We can have that unconditional love for them at all times. The part where the system comes in, we can share what we have and we can try to take out our fear when it comes to vaccinations, religion, or like where to go to school, who is in this program and any of those things. We have a lot, like fear, anxiety and some other emotions.

They will have a really strong future if they go into this particular program. Children need to be able to make choices on their own. And if they don't like that particular thing, that could be really strong emotions, fears, concerns, or our own biases in these situations. Being able to have our emotions towards the person to stay the same and then trying to resolve our own fears and anxieties in situation so that we can communicate with them. We're all doing the best we can with the information and the understanding that we have so when we communicate, we want to establish a strong connection with the other person. We want to share our love, understanding, and care for them.

I know how much you love your child or are concerned about your child. There can be a part that a lot of people get stuck on. That we aren't going to back down or get stepped on or the other person always gets their way because of this. But when we communicate our thoughts and we listen openly to their thoughts, they truly do still care about us.

Our child is still concerned about their own future or whatever the topic is if they are still communicating with us about finding a way to start with their future. We're concerned about our child and we have different ways of looking at it. Instead of just backing down, we're going to use it to inform our actions so our feelings stay the same. But our actions could change so if you know your child is all of a sudden we find them teenagers got into alcohol or drugs or something, we still love them, and we're not angry. But if they choose to continue to do that, then I'm going to choose to do this, and I let them know that, but without anger, without judgment, because they're doing the best they can with the information and the knowledge they have.

We can ask them why are you drinking? What do you get out of doing those drugs? We're curious and want to understand if that might be a way they can connect with their friends. They can feel better about difficult situations they've been in, or a difficult loss or we're going to listen to where they are coming from. No matter what happens and what they do, we still love them and we choose to give them consequences to take accountability for their unnecessary actions.

We take actions based on our thoughts and beliefs. You could have all the information that you have gathered and yet you could still be wrong. But we keep our emotions towards that person. How would that work in your life? What would it be like for you and me if these problems that we both have got differing ideas? How will that change the way you communicate? How will that change?

Have you resolved conflict or problems? How will your child or your spouse feel when you do that? Think about those things and how you can resolve it. Seeking and providing information, especially about how you are going to act so that it's not in anger, but just so that they're informed. Remember, children are great by their very natures, and we have that privilege and responsibility of raising them.











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